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California Legislature has passed a series of laws designed to protect motorists and pedestrians, increase safety and reduce the number of motor vehicle accidents. California is hoping to introduce a new era of safety to its street and highways.

One of these laws affects speed limits and will allow local authorities more power in certain situations to lower them. This law will be important for all drivers in California to anticipate.

What is Assembly Bill 43?

Assembly Bill 43, passed into law by the California Legislature, will both amend several statutes and add new ones to the California Vehicle Code. Under AB43, local authorities can:

  • Reduce speed limits on state highways as necessary to protect bicyclists, pedestrians, and other vulnerable populations
  • Establish 25 mph speed limits on state highways that pass through residential areas, near schools, or in front of senior citizens’ centers
  • Further reduce speed limits in residential areas and in places where there is a lot of pedestrian and cyclist traffic to 20 mph or 15 mph
  • Reduce highway speed limits as low as 20 or 15 miles per hour as needed for safety

Why are these new laws important?

These new motor vehicle laws will increase safety and reduce the risk of car accidents and serious injuries. Allowing local officials to reduce speed limits on state highways, when they pass through residential neighborhoods and near schools or eldercare centers, is a common sense move that might prevent serious pedestrian accidents or cyclist collisions.

Being aware of these new laws, and looking for signage regarding new speed limits on state highways, can reduce your risk of an accident.